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Charro Beans with Scrambled Eggs


Bob Wills and his Texas Playboys used to sing a song called Across the Alley From the Alamo and I was humming it all last week as I made my way from San Antonio to Houston. Oddly, none of the guides at the Alamo knew of this tune and it's another shocking sign the our culture is going to hell in a handbag. 


There were many highlights to the trip, and after barbecue in Luling, I think my favorite was my friend Wade's delicious charro beans. We had them all over the state and I noticed the hipper folks always asked to sub the ubiquitous re-fried beans (which generally were excellent as well) with charros.

Wade made them by cooking up a bunch of bacon and when it was almost cooked, he added beans and water. He didn't drain the fat. I think I would but who am I to say? After the beans were cooked he added tomatoes, bell pepper, cilantro and other good things. They were great.


The next morning, I made eggs for the whole family but I added them to the leftover charro beans. I humbly will suggest they went nuts for them. I just added eggs but you'd think I had done the actual cooking. The beans were the star of the dish.

A note on tortillas: In general, I love corn. In Texas, they mostly eat wheat. I was turning my nose up at them until I ate one. Texas wheat tortillas are generally excellent. I also had many corn tortillas but in general I don't think they are as excellent, although no doubt certain brands are better than others.

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