Roasted Pepper and Royal Corona Salad
Lately, I've been indulging in jars of roasted red peppers from Trader Joe's. But I do roast fresh poblano chiles, often. If I have a couple, I will roast them...
Lately, I've been indulging in jars of roasted red peppers from Trader Joe's. But I do roast fresh poblano chiles, often. If I have a couple, I will roast them...
New York Times contributor Hetty McKinnon recently wrote about Cauliflower Piccata, which on the face of it sounds like a cute way to avoid veal but really, the thought of...
There is not one single method of cooking beans. At its most basic, you want to simmer the pot until the beans are soft. Soaking can speed up the process...
The inspiration for this came from the book on Tuscan coastal cooking, Acquacotta, by Emiko Davies (Hardie Grant, 2017). The original recipe calls for clams and no fish, but I...
Nothing beats pulling a bubbling cassoulet out of the oven. Our Cassoulet beans are West Coast–grown from classic French Tarbais seed stock, and have been bred for this slow-baked dish....
3 tablespoons olive oil, plus more for serving 1/2 onion, sliced thin 3 cloves garlic, smashed 1 bulb fennel, chopped 1 bunch kale, chopped into bite sized pieces 2...
Recently a bunch of friends got together and had a bean party in Orange County. You can read all about it here. I look forward to doing it again. Hostess...
First I will tell you that I meant to make Deb Perelman’s Pizza Beans. This Smitten Kitchen recipe has been one of the most talked-about and produced recipes I’ve ever...
One of the nicest ways to eat white beans, especially Royal Coronas, is in a savory tomato sauce. I love adding soft cinnamon (canela) to tomatoes for a rich, woodsy...
From Julia Newberry, my co-author of The Rancho Gordo Vegetarian Kitchen, we have this great burger alternative. We tried a lot of bean burgers and this was the one that...
Leftovers are my best friends. I had made white beans and kale the previous night, and there was about a cup left. I added some tahini and lemon juice and...
Between the farmers markets, my own vegetable garden, and sloppy refrigerator housekeeping, I often end up with too many vegetables. This week it was too much corn. The result was...
There is no shame in accepting a little help now and again. For me lately, this means indulging in jars of roasted red pepper. In the summer, when bell peppers...
I remember when I first started gardening and I had the bright idea that direct-seeding tomatoes in the ground was the best idea. The plants were incredible and strong and...
I somehow landed a copy of Omar Allibhoy’s Spanish Made Simple and while I wasn’t expecting much, several of the recipes have become favorites. It’s good! It isn’t a definitive...
After seeing a video of Asian shrimp being injected with some gross substance so that they’ll weigh more, I’ve turned to wild caught shrimp, both fresh and frozen. Happily, they’re...