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Main Dishes

Rancho Gordo White Bean Chili - Rancho Gordo

Rancho Gordo White Bean Chili

On Thanksgiving Day, there's a very good chance you'll be serving turkey, and if you are, there's an even greater chance that you'll have leftovers. This is one of our...

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Oregano Chicken - Rancho Gordo

Oregano Chicken

You can make this marinade with Oregano Indio or Mexican oregano. It was inspired by a recipe by the late Diana Kennedy and I've since discovered, it's not an uncommon...

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Puerto Rican Habichuelas - Rancho Gordo

Puerto Rican Habichuelas

  We've been following Illyanna Maisonet for years. She's an excellent food writer with a natural curiosity. Her articles for the San Francisco Chronicle were legendary. She's an odd and...

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Green Chile Pozole with Shrimp - Rancho Gordo

Green Chile Pozole with Shrimp

As much as I love pork and chicken, some of my happiest memories have been made over a bucket of perfect shrimp. Any type of pozole is appropriate for any...

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Black Eyed Peas and Carolina Gold Rice - Rancho Gordo

Black Eyed Peas and Carolina Gold Rice

Hoppin’ John has a fascinating history, with many regional variations – too many to count. One difference is the variety of field peas used. A lot of Southerners grew up with...

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Moros y Cristianos (Black Beans and Rice) - Rancho Gordo

Moros y Cristianos (Black Beans and Rice)

Nowadays, modern cooks prepare the rice and beans together, but in the traditional Cuban manner, the rice and beans are cooked separately and the Moors (beans) don’t encounter the Christians...

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Ayocotes with Nopales and Fiery Salsa - Rancho Gordo

Ayocotes with Nopales and Fiery Salsa

Nopales are prickly-pear cactus paddles that you can find in most Mexican markets and some supermarkets. You can often buy them precleaned, but if you need to do it yourself,...

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Bludso's BBQ Red Beans and Rice - Rancho Gordo

Bludso's BBQ Red Beans and Rice

o Our staff test kitchen tried a new version of Red Beans and Rice from the recent book, Bludso's BBQ Cookbook (Ten Speed Press, 2022). They'd made it with our...

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